Liberty Townshp, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the population and steets of Liberty Townshp City, Texas? You've come to the right place. This article provides a brief history of Liberty Townshp City. Read on to learn more about the area's population and the history of this historic town. You'll be amazed at the history of Liberty and all that it has to offer.

When looking at the overall population, Liberty township has 38,155 residents, making it the fourth largest city in the state. However, its diversity is evident. Liberty township is home to the largest proportion of people under the age of 20. Despite its large population, Liberty township is home to a low percentage of people who are Hispanic or African-American. Overall, women outnumber men in Liberty township.

Liberty Township is part of the Cincinnati-Dayton region, a region with over 2.8 million people. In addition, Liberty Township uses a strategic plan to guide growth, community services, and quality of life assets. Its population is growing rapidly, and the city is currently transitioning from a print newsletter to an electronic edition. Liberty Township's population is home to five borough councillors and two township committee members.

The northeast portion of Liberty Township is largely unincorporated. The city of Monroe is the only incorporated municipality within Liberty Township. There are several unincorporated places within Liberty, including Bethany, Four Bridges, Hughes Station, Kyles Station, Jericho, and Princeton. Liberty Township begins at the southeast corner of section 14 of the second entire range and extends eastward with the eastern boundary of the county.