Limaville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Limaville City is made up of many different racial and ethnic groups. Most residents are White, but some are of German, English, and Dutch ancestry. Despite this, only 7.2 percent of the population is over the age of 65, while nearly one in five residents of the U.S. are over 65. In addition to the most widely spoken language, English, Spanish, and Polish are also spoken, and are a major part of the community.

The population of Limaville is 151 in the 2010 Census, but it's expected to drop to 144 by the year 2020. This rural city in eastern Ohio is considered a Census Designated Place (CDP). It is similar to a legal entity, but does not have a governmental status. Its population is concentrated, and it may span county lines, but it is not a separate legal entity.

There are three major cities within 22 miles of Limaville, OH. The nearest ones are Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Toledo. Listed below are the population and steets of these cities. Once you have a general idea of what Limaville, OH looks like, you can choose an area for your vacation or business trip. You can also explore the smaller cities and towns within 100 miles of Limaville, OH.