Lockbourne, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Lockborne City, Ohio: Find out what the population is like. The most popular neighborhoods are Lockbourne and Commercial Point. The majority of residents in Lockbourne are single, but there are also families. The percentage of singles in Lockbourne is higher than the state average, at 54%. The poverty level in Lockbourne is higher than the state average, at 13.7%.

The population of Lockbourne is made up of 61 households. Of those, 43 households are families, while 18 are non-family households. The city has a per capita income of $22,557, which is below average compared to other cities and the nation, and equates to $90,228 for a family of four. Residents of Lockbourne are from a variety of racial and ethnic groups. Most report being White, although some are of German, Irish, and Italian ancestry. The median income is $52,083 per year, and the cost of housing is $850 a month.

The majority of residents in Lockbourne, OH identify as white. Approximately 12.3% are Black or African American. Another 5.4% identify as Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. The rest are Hispanic or Latino. The median age in Lockbourne is 45.6 years old. The city is home to more than 160 people, with 74 men and 85 women. The median age is 45.6 years old, and there are a few minority groups in Lockbourne, but the majority are white.