Miamiville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand Miamiville's population and demographics. In 2010, there were 152 people living in Miamiville. In Miamiville, a typical family has 3.6 members. There is a very low percentage of residents who are over the age of 65. The city has a higher minority population than the surrounding area. The city's median age is 32.8 years. Overall, the city is less diverse than its surrounding areas.

The poverty rate in Miamiville is lower than the average for cities in the United States. Although the city is a small town, its 229 residents are considerably below the national average. This is good news for the city's residents, as poverty rates are always more severe in small towns. But the numbers don't tell the whole story. Here are some facts about poverty in Miamiville. It's important to note that poverty is still a major issue in Miamiville.

The population of Miamiville is slightly below the state average. The city's foreign-born population is significantly below the state average. The number of college-going residents is also higher than the average. The cost of living in Miamiville is significantly below the national average. Compared to other cities, Miamiville is less expensive than the average for all of these items. You can live comfortably in this city if you have the right tools.