Millfield, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be interested in learning about the population & steets of the town of Millfield, Ohio. Millfield has a relatively low population of renter-occupied housing units compared to neighboring communities. This is in keeping with the U.S. average of about one-third of the population. In Millfield, there are fewer than 30 vacancies per 1,000 residents.

The median household income is $23,438. The median age is 60.2 years. The city is home to a large number of Vietnam veterans. The poverty rate in Millfield is also lower than the national average. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is 14.5%.

The crime rate for Millfield is relatively low compared to other cities. Crime rates in Millfield are shown as crimes committed per thousand residents in a standard year. The city's crime rate is lower than that of its neighboring towns and is lower than the national average.

The median household income in Millfield City is higher than the national average. The area has a higher percentage of people who are college-educated compared to other areas. There are a small number of households with one car and a small number with two. The highest percentage of households in Millfield have two cars.