Mingo Junction, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of Mingo Junction, Iowa? You can learn more about the city's economy by studying the city's poverty and income statistics. There are 3,212 people living in Mingo Junction and the median household income is $41,488. The area has a high percentage of working families, so if you're looking for a great place to live, Mingo Junction may be the right choice.

Schools in the area include the Indian Creek Local School District, which includes Hills Elementary School, Indian Creek Middle School, and Mingo Junction High School. Prior to 2012, the city also hosted the Jefferson County Christian School and St. Agnes Catholic School. The school district is slated to add a second elementary school this year. The district is working to raise money to fund the new school. Residents can also volunteer by volunteering with the school district.

As of the 2010 census, the village had a median age of 43 years. Twenty-one percent of its population was under the age of 18, while thirty-one percent of households were headed by a married couple. A further twenty-one percent of households were made up of individuals, and fifteen percent were headed by someone aged 65 or older. The average household size was 2.35 people, and the average family size was 2.84.