Morral, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Morral City, OH, you have come to the right place. You can find all kinds of information about the city by browsing our statistics page. The following information will provide you with the latest information on Morral, Ohio. In addition to the most basic demographics, you'll also find important information about the city's environment and history.

The demographics of Morral are very interesting. The city has a population of 378 people and a median household income of $56,429, which means that the average person in the community is 43.9 years old. The area has a 0% poverty rate and a non-Hispanic population of two or more. The median home price in Morral is $143,900. If you're interested in living in this suburb, the demographics are very promising.

The rent burden measures how much of a household's income is spent on rental housing. It's a useful way to measure the affordability of housing in a city. Morral's rent burden is higher than the 29.5% state average, which is higher than neighboring cities such as Sycamore and Powell. The number of renters in Morral is also higher than the national average, with 9.5% of housing units occupied by renters.

The percentage of foreign-born residents is below the state average, as is the percentage of renters and homeowners. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree or higher is also below the state average. The city has one pilot, but no other airmen. If you're planning to move to Morral City, OH, you should make sure that you read the demographics before making your decision.