North Benton, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following demographic data may be of interest to you: the number of people living in this city, how many commute to work by car, and whether they use the trolley bus or walk to get to work. The information has been gathered from the 2019 American Community Survey, which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Although the data is deemed to be reliable, it cannot be guaranteed. This information is not intended to replace any government-sponsored surveys.

Benton City is a small city located near the center of Benton County, Washington. Prior to the mid-nineteenth century, this area served as a hunting and fishing ground for Native Americans. It was platted in 1909 in hopes of becoming a railroad hub, but twice tried and failed to become the county seat. Eventually, it centered its economy around the fertile Yakima Valley. Its population is currently around 3,000.

The population of North Benton City dropped precipitously during World War II, and residents began to suspect that the area might be of interest to important people. They discovered the region was home to A. F. Johnson, a successful beekeeper who had been pollinating the crops in Wenatchee. His family moved to the region, and eventually decided to establish a beekeeping operation there.

Listed below are the demographics of the area. The city is home to approximately 3156 people. The median household income is $55,175. Approximately 32.7% of the population is hispanic, and the majority of residents are white. So, what should you expect when moving to North Benton City? There are numerous advantages, and you will be pleased with your new home. And don't forget the convenience of using the bus and parking nearby.