Payne, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the population of Payne City? Use the map below to get a general idea of the area's demographics. You can also view Payne City's race and ethnicity information. The US census reports the population in terms of the percentage of people who identify as a specific race. You can also find out the number of evictions in Payne. The city is located in the state of Oklahoma.

The population in Payne City is fairly evenly distributed. Twenty-two percent of the population was under the age of eighteen, while 22.6% of households were headed by a female who was not her husband. The median age was 35. Eighty-three percent of the population were male, and the ratio of males to females was eight3.5 to one. There were fewer households with children than in other parts of the state, with a median age of 35. The average household size was 2.12 people, and the average family size was three.

The city began as a small settlement in the 1850s, surrounded by a beautiful valley. The area is rich in history and is home to the Cherokee alphabet, developed by Sequoyah. Fort Payne incorporated in 1889. This led to a boom in the area and a subsequent bust. Fort Payne's hosiery industry was booming. The city's population has increased to more than 14,000 people. The city is home to a variety of businesses, attractions, and events.