Put In Bay, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Put In Bay, OH is made up of predominantly white residents. There are zero Black or African Americans in the city. In addition to this, 100% of households are insured. There are 71 residents who are non-Hispanic. Of the residents who are over the age of 18, there are 0 who are uninsured. The median age of residents in the city is 35.

The median property value in Put In Bay, OH is $435,700, which is 1.81 times higher than the national average of $240,500. There are 0 cars per household and the homeownership rate is 55.3%. Put in Bay, OH has a low non-Hispanic population (2.82%).

The most common job groups in Put In Bay, OH are Management Occupations, Office & Administrative Support Occupations, and Health Technologists & Technicians. These professions are among the highest paying in the city. The median household income is $81,563, which is more than the $67,050 national average. In the last year, the median household income was $78,523, which is a 3.87% growth rate from the previous year.