Rayland, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you look at the population and steets of Rayland City, Ohio, you will see that it has grown considerably over the past year. In 2010, for instance, the population was 2,969 in comparison to 2,970 in 2000. There are some other things to consider before looking at the population and steets of Rayland. First, you will need to figure out the number of households. Rayland has an average of four households per square mile, making it a very small city.

While Rayland City has a small population, it has a diverse population. Only 17.9% of the population is white, and 8.2% are Hispanic. The median income is $36,250, which is slightly below the national average. The unemployment rate is about 0.9%, and there are 72% of residents who are employed. The highest-paying industries are Construction, Professional, Scientific, & Administrative Services, and Manufacturing.

In terms of racial composition, Whites are the largest racial group living below the poverty line in Rayland, OH. Native Americans and Blacks make up the remaining two-thirds of the population. Families earning less than $90 a month are considered to be living below the poverty line. Among those earning less than $31,000, the highest percentages are in food preparation & serving occupations, sales & related occupations, and construction & extraction jobs.