Reading, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that you can look up the population and steets of Reading City online? If you are wondering, you're not alone. Many cities across the country have been featured on the Today Show, but have you ever wondered what makes Reading such a unique city? Here are some of the facts and figures you might be surprised to learn. This information is gathered from the US Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey. While the data is accurate, there's no guarantee it's always that way.

The first known history of Reading is related to the American Revolution. During the Revolutionary War, Reading became a major military base. Its iron industry surpassed England's during the war, and was used to supply Washington's troops. Reading served as a military supply depot during the early period of the war, and the city was also home to Hessian prisoners from the Battle of Trenton. While Philadelphia was the official United States capital for most of the wartime, Reading stepped in as an emergency national capital during the Yellow Fever Epidemic in 1793.

The city has a large Polish population. A community of Polish immigrants was established over 30 years ago, and the current Polish population is approximately 95% white. The city is predominantly White British, with 6.7% of residents being Asian, 1.4% of Reading residents being Native American, and 3.9% of the city's population being of two or more races. The city also has a large population of people of Hispanic and Puerto Rican descent.