Rittman, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Located in northeast Ohio along Lake Erie, Rittman City is home to a diverse mix of residents. The best times to visit Rittman are June, August, and September. It's coldest month is January. Read on to learn more about Rittman City. Here's a look at its people. In Rittman City, you can expect to find an average of 2.17 people per square mile.

The city of Rittman is home to a population of about 6.19k residents. The majority of residents are White non-Hispanic, while the second largest group are Black and Two+. The city also has a high number of residents who have served in the United States military. This percentage is higher than most neighboring cities, but it is still below the national average. The average age in Rittman is 28.2 years old, and the median income is $55,500.

The population of Rittman is 6.520 people. The median household income is $46,523.

QuickFacts population estimates include data from the American Community Survey and the Census of Population and Housing. The area code is 44270. It also includes information on schools, hospitals, museums, and libraries. Lastly, it includes information on the population and income levels of the city. The ZIP code for Rittman City is 44270. You can find out more about Rittman City by visiting the city's website.