Rossford, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of the population and steets in Rossford City can provide an excellent overview of this city. The chart below explains the breakdown by mode of transportation. The most common means of transportation in Rossford are cars. The graph below breaks down the percentage of households that carpool. In addition, you can find out the average household size and number of people in a family. In addition, you can see how much money the average family makes in Rossford.

The most populous racial and ethnic groups are White, Hispanic, and Two or More. Rossford's median household income was $74,010 in 2020. Only 7.2% of residents lived in poverty. The median age of residents is 36. This is a smaller city than other cities in the area. For more detailed information, visit the Rossford city page. To see the population of Rossford, OH, you may need to log in or sign up to view its detailed information.

The population of Rossford, Ohio is 6,595. That's one person for every two square miles. That's a small percentage, but it represents an increase in population in a single year. Compared to other cities in Ohio, Rossford's population is in the middle range. Unlike some cities, Rossford's population is more diverse and more ethnically and racially diverse.