Scottown, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're looking for Scottown, OH real estate, you may want to check out the population and steets. While the population of this small city is low overall, there are some neighborhoods that are more unsafe than others. Parks and major airports have low population, so these neighborhoods may not have as high of a crime rate as others. It's important to remember that crime happens where people are.

For instance, ZIP Code 45678 is the primary area code for Scottown, OH. The city is located in Lawrence County, and has a population of 1101. You can purchase billboard ads in this area if you know the demographics of the residents. The median household size is 2.60 people, and the median home value is $77,857. This small Ohio city is predicted to grow by 1.2% over the next few years.

The median age of the residents of Scottown was 42.1 years, while 7.9% of residents were under 18 years old. Twenty-six percent of the population was 25-44 years old, and 14.3% of households had a female householder without a husband. One-fifth of the population was 65 years or older, and 38.4% were non-families. And finally, 18.0% of households had a senior citizen living alone.

Listed below are the population and steets in the town of Scott. You can view the map of Scottown to see the racial makeup of each area. A darker shade indicates a greater racial majority. The diversity map will tell you if your area is more or less diverse, and will give you a better idea of how diverse the population is. In general, a more diverse population means that there is a mixture of races and ethnicities living together.