Senecaville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Senecaville City, Ohio, is a small town located in Guernsey County, in the United States. Its default name is Senecaville. The USPS uses this name when designating ZIP codes. The average commute time in Senecaville is 24.4 minutes, compared to 26.4 minutes nationally. The median home value is $165,400, and home appreciation in Senecaville is 16.6%.

The population of Senecaville City is a mere 1,489 people. You can also find a map of nearby cities. Typically, large cities have airports, which makes them convenient for traveling. Searching for flights from big cities will give you options that are close to the population of Senecaville, OH. The list below includes major cities with airports within 4 hours of Senecaville.

The total voting-age population of Senecaville, Ohio is 1,750 people. There are 1,122 households, with an average household size of 2.51. The median home value is $82,843 and the median household size is 2.51. The estimated population growth for the year 2020 is -0.3%. The local ad demographic is 0.95 male to every female. The median household income is $44,375.

The population of Senecaville City was 1,487 people in 2016. Of those, 176 households had children under 18 living with them. The remaining households were married couples, but there were 10.2% of female householders without a husband present. Thirty-seven percent of households were non-families. The rest were individuals. There were 11.4% senior citizens living alone. The median age was 36 years. There were 85.7 males for every hundred females (18+) residents.