Sugarcreek Township, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sugarcreek township is home to a population that is 11.4% larger than that of the entire state of Ohio. The township's school system is highly rated, and many of its graduates go on to earn higher education degrees. Sugarcreek is also home to a number of affordable houses, as many builders price their houses below market value. In addition, many buyers are looking for homes that have modern designs and are close to nature. Often, the maintenance costs for a Sugarcreek Township home are also lower than those of other neighborhoods in the area.

The population of Sugarcreek township is divided into several age groups. The area has a low proportion of people under the age of 20, and a high percentage of people aged forty-nine and above. This data is useful for employment research because it can show where the township's retirees are concentrated.

The majority of Sugarcreek township's households are headed by a married couple. There are also a few single-person households. The average family size in the township is 3.1 people. The area is home to several large businesses, including a Belden Brick Company.

Sugarcreek Township has several community parks. There is a Walmart Supercenter store, a Lowe's home improvement superstore, a Target shopping center, and a movie theater. The town also has many popular attractions, including a bowling alley.