Tiltonsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When comparing cities in Ohio, population vs. income is an important factor to consider. In Tiltonsville, Ohio, the population is approximately six hundred and sixteen, with a majority of the people being retired. Young adults make up a smaller percentage of the population and the average age is forty-two. Renting is a great alternative to owning in Tiltonsville, with the average rent in the city coming in at just $617 a month. Renters save approximately $2300 a year on their rent, as compared to paying over $700 to own in other areas.

The median household income in Tiltonsville is $33,750, with a median age of 43.4. The median income is also $33,750, increasing by 1.42% since 2010. One percent of the population is classified as Hispanic, with the remaining population a mix of non-Hispanic and hispanic. Despite the small population of Hispanics, this city has a diverse and welcoming community.

Among the residents of Tiltonsville City, 169 reside in the proposed boundaries. In 2000, the population was largely white. The average household size was 1.6 persons for owner-occupied households, and 2.0 for renter-occupied units. The proposed boundaries are home to 168 residents. Table 3 provides estimates for race and ethnic composition of households and population. The Hispanic Origin of Households and Populations shows the breakdown of the ethnic group.