Unionville Center, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Unionville Center is 240 people. That makes it the fifteenth-smallest city in the US. The city was at its peak in 2000 when it was fifteen,505 people. Since then, the population of the city has decreased by nearly 19.7%. You can find out more about the city's demographics below. Also, see Unionville Center's top employers, as well as find information about the schools in the area.

The city's main street has been a set-piece in the Gilmore Girls television series, and the area is also the setting for many other movies and television shows. Most of the historic buildings in the area are included in the list of Markham's historic places. The city's high percentage of college-educated residents makes it an ideal location for families. And the town's low crime rate makes it an appealing place to live.

The city was originally a part of Markham Township. Its northern boundary, Main Street, was a swamp. The western boundary, Rodick Road, was designated by the Unionville Ratepayers Association in the 1980s. In the mid-late twentieth century, Main Street was called Kennedy Road. The new Kennedy Road runs three hundred meters to the east. The city's name is an acronym of its historical name: Unionville.

The City of Unionville is comprised of several neighbourhoods and is one of the most affluent parts of the greater Toronto Area. It is also part of the State College, Pennsylvania metro area. The Unionville Historic District was listed on the National Register of Places in 1979. Its historic buildings date back to before World War I, and nearly two hundred properties in the city qualified for inclusion on the Register. Herman Fisher was born in Unionville.