West Alexandria, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Trying to figure out how to find the Population & Steets in WestAlexandria City? Start by reading this article. You'll discover the racial and ethnic composition of the area. Alexandria is a racially diverse city, so you'll have no problem finding out who lives here. There's even a map with the race and ethnic composition of each block!

The crime map for West Alexandria combines population and crime numbers for the city. The number of crimes committed per capita is shown, as well as the number of day visitors. As you can see, many crimes are committed in retail areas. Blocks with very few residents are often crime-ridden, and red areas don't necessarily mean a city is dangerous. Just be sure to take note of the crime rate map for the area you're interested in.

The median household income in West Alexandria, OH is $123,300. However, the rate of poverty is 15.5% higher than the national average. The median home value is $155,800, and the median house price has increased by 9.2% over the past decade. However, there are many other factors that contribute to the poverty rate. A household's size, age, and race may determine the number of people living in poverty.

The median age in West Alexandria City was 37.8, and the proportion of children under 18 was 8.3%. A quarter of the population was 45-64 years of age, and 14.3% was over 65 years old. The average household size was two people and two adults. This number is still increasing, as more people are living in the community. Nonetheless, this village's demographics are still a good guide for making decisions on how to better serve the citizens.