Zoar, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a lot of different ways to find out information about Population & Steets in ZoaR City. You can use the information in this article to get an idea of the local crime rate, which is a great way to make sure you're in a safe neighborhood. However, you should also keep in mind that crime rates are not the same everywhere, and there are many different factors to consider when looking at crime rates.

The Village of Zoar is a small residential community in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, about fifteen miles south of Canton and nine miles north of New Philadelphia. Zoar is the permanent home of the Society of Separatists of Zoar, a religious communal utopian society that thrived in the middle of the nineteenth century. Several of these groups originated in Germany, and Zoar was one of them.

The city had a long history. During the late 18th century, the population of Zoar increased dramatically. The first railroad arrived in 1884, and the town developed special activities for tourists to enjoy. Hotels offered buggy rides to guests, and residents also developed a public park and tree-lined streets. They even constructed a boat landing so tourists could rent rowboats to tour the lake and river. The city also had a central flower garden inspired by the Book of Revelation. The garden also featured allegorical elements about Christ.

The ESRI and Census provide statistics on renter occupied housing units for Zoar. The number of renter-occupied units increased by 2% between 2015 and 2016. Nearby cities like Fredericksburg and Holmesville have more than forty households. In 2016 Zoar had zero evictions. So, this city does not have a large number of renter-occupied housing units. In addition to these statistics, the USPS uses Zoar as its preferred city name.