Anadarko, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that there are many ways to find the Population & Steets in Anaduko City? Anadarko is the county seat of Caddo county, Oklahoma. The city is about six miles south of Oklahoma City. The median home value is $64,200, and the growth rate for the city is 3.8% over the last 10 years. Find out more about Anadarko City by exploring its map and information on living there.

The population of Anadarko is composed of both white and non-white residents. Hispanics comprise about 13.0% of the population, although they may belong to any race. The city's population is primarily comprised of renters. The rent burden is helpful when determining whether or not housing is affordable. The rent burden in Anadarko is less than the state average of 28.3%, and is lower than the rent burdens in neighboring cities.

The population of Anadarko is 5,990, making it the 433rd largest city in the United States. It's a relatively small city, covering about 7.1 square miles. Anadarko's population peaked in 1910 at 6,762 residents, making it the third-largest city in Oklahoma. Historically, the community was called Na-da-ka, after the tribal name of the Anadarko people.