Atoka, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for information about Population & Steets in Atocka City, Oklahoma, you'll find that the city has a few things to offer. The city is small enough that it doesn't have an efficient public transit system. If you'd like to learn more about the area's people and demographics, check out the statistics below. These data are updated regularly and will be a great help for you when you're moving to Atoka City.

The median age of people in Atoka, OK is forty-eight years old. This figure includes those who are native-born and those who were born overseas. In 2019, the percentage of foreign-born residents was 39.2%, which was lower than the national average of 64.1%. In terms of income, families living in Atoka, OK have an income below the poverty line. The highest percentage of people who live in poverty are employed in sales and related occupations.

There are two elementary schools in Atoka: C.A. McCall Junior High School and Atoka Elementary School. The Kiamichi Technology Center serves Atoka City. The Atoka campus offers Computer Repair & Networking, Child Care, Nursing, and Auto Mechanicology. In addition to the schools and libraries in Atoka, there is a college in nearby Farris. It is the oldest Catholic parish in the Indian Territory. The town is home to two lodges of Freemasons and Order of the Eastern Star in the United States.

Atoka, OK has an average of $27,976 per capita income, which is slightly lower than the national average. However, there are slightly more college-educated individuals living in Atoka. The median household income in Atoka, OK is $54,009 - which is higher than the median household income in the U.S. (60.7%). It is important to note that males in Atoka, OK make a higher than average income compared to their male counterparts.