Burlington, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the population of Burlington City? Read on! There are some interesting facts about this town that you can use to make a decision about whether or not Burlington is right for you. For example, there are 63% owner-occupied homes in the city. Additionally, the average household size is 2.5 people. As with any town, quality of life is highly subjective, so consider this in your decision. Many home buyers prefer a walkable urban environment while others are attracted to the open space and nature.

The population of Burlington City is comprised of four distinct neighborhoods. While they are largely recognized by residents, they do not have political or legal authority. The downtown area includes Pearl Street west of South Willard Street. The wealthiest area of the city is the Hill Section. This area excludes Champlain College, University Terrace, and Burlington Country Club. There are many places of worship in the city.

The median income of Burlington residents is lower than the median income of their counterparts in Chittenden County. This reflects a national trend. While people who can afford to leave a city are often looking for more space, those without a car are stuck using public transportation. This low income level may also reflect disparities in income across race in Vermont. Black households in Burlington earn about half as much as their white counterparts.