Byars, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Byars, OK was $37,100 in 2019. This decreased from $41,700 in 2016. The homeownership rate in Byars is 84.9%. People who live in Byars drive alone to work on average, taking about 30 minutes to get to work. The median property value is 0.154 times lower than the national average of $240,500. Byars is 100% U.S.-based.

The town of Byars is located in McClain County, Oklahoma. The town was founded in 1857 and is about 1,020 feet above sea level. As of the 2010 census, Byars had a population of 273 people. The city is located along State Highway 59, making it convenient for travelers. In addition to Byars, residents of nearby cities include Paoli, Wayne, and Asher.

The racial composition of Byars is White, followed by Two Or More, and Native American. Families are classified into various income buckets by the Census Bureau. The highest percentage of households in Byars own two cars. The lowest percentage of households own one vehicle, while the lowest share has none. In Byars, OK, the median income per household is $19,077.