Checotah, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics describe the population and steets of Checotah, Oklahoma. A majority of residents identify as white, while approximately 12.3% are black. Those who identify as Hispanic or Native Hawaiian are 0.2% of the population. Another interesting demographic is the ethnicity of the residents. Of the 2,420 voters in Checotah, the majority is white, while 5.1% are Hispanic. The rest of the population is mixed, with 5.1% identifying as Hispanic.

The city is located in McIntosh County, Oklahoma, and was named after Samuel Checote, the first Creek chief elected after the Civil War. As of the 2000 census, the city had a population of 3,481 and is home to several antique malls. The city also boasts a downtown historic district, a Civil War battle site, and a claim to be the world's steer wrestling capital. The city was once home to the Eufaula Lake, which had 640 miles of shoreline.

The current population of Checotah City is 9,463 - up from 9,891 in 2010