Daisy, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Daisy County, TN? Then read this article! We'll go over some of the statistics, including the total number of residents in the area and where they live. There are 8,41k residents in the Soddy-Daisy City PUMA, TN. And to top it all off, this area is home to the most people per square mile (per person) than any other county in Tennessee.

The median property value in the Soddy-Daisy City PUMA, TN was $216,200 in 2019. This number increased from $198,200 in 2017. The homeownership rate was 83.5% and the median household income was $73,665. During the last five years, the median homeownership rate in this area has remained stable at two cars per household. Soddy-Daisy City is a great place to set up your business and promote products and services to its community.

Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee is a small city located just 18 miles northwest of Chattanooga, Tennessee. The city was incorporated in 1969 and was originally two separate towns. Residents enjoy the riverfront location, extensive outdoor recreation, and unending outdoor activities. Families will love the school system here. This city is home to several above-average public and private schools. Soddy-Daisy is also home to a nuclear power plant.

The median household income in Soddy-Daisy City PUMA, TN is $73,665 (more than four times the national median income of $65,712). This area is not significantly different from other nearby and parent geographies in terms of its median income. However, it is important to note that these figures are estimates, so the exact numbers may differ slightly. Please remember that the demographics for this area may change in the future.