Dibble, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Dibble City is located in Oklahoma. The average household size is 3.1 members. Dibble has an 84% homeowner occupancy rate, with an average household size of 3.1 people. Although the city is not known for its amenities, it has a good quality of life, with many residents enjoying peaceful, natural settings and walkability to the local businesses and restaurants. Below is a list of notable features of the city.

The age breakdown of Dibble's population reveals that it is comprised mostly of young people. Dibble's population skews younger than neighboring cities like Bradshaw and Cole. In comparison, Bradley has a higher percentage of people in their 30s than in Dibble. As far as sex distribution goes, women outnumber men in Dibble. As for the median household income, Dibble residents make their living in a variety of different professions.

In 2019, 80.5% of Dibble, OK workers drove alone to work. Meanwhile, 4.57% of the population worked from home. The chart below shows the percentage of households using various modes of transportation in Dibble, OK over the past five years. The logarithmic scale on the y-axis helps visualize the variations in smaller means of transportation. Dibble, OK has the highest percentage of households owning a car.

The median property value in Dibble, OK was $118,500 in 2019. This is a 0.35% decrease from the previous year. The homeownership rate in Dibble is 83.8%, higher than the national average of 64.1%. Dibble, OK residents commute 33 minutes to work, with a majority of households driving alone. Dibble, OK residents own 2 cars, which is about the national average.