Elmore City, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a list of the population and steets of Elmore City. The percentages of people living in Elmore City are from the United States, Canada, and other countries. Of those who live in Elmore City, the largest ethnic groups are white and black Americans. In addition, people from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Central and South America make up the rest of the population.

The number of residents living in poverty in Elmore City, OK varies. The most common racial or ethnic group is White, with an estimated number of residents living below the poverty line. Hispanics comprise 3.56% of the total population. In terms of employment, 94.3% of Elmore City residents were employed. In addition, 2.87 percent of workers in Elmore City carpooled and 0.95 percent of residents walked to work. The graph above illustrates the number of households using each mode of transportation in Elmore City, OK over time. The data are logarithmic, which allows for greater variability for smaller methods of commuting.

The population of Elmore City is 753 people, a decrease of about 1.3% since the year 2020. Elmore City has a median home price of $88,900 and the city has a 5-year appreciation rate of 5.5%. While there are many important aspects of living in Elmore City, there are a few facts you need to know first. You should know the zip code and street name of any home you're considering buying in Elmore City.