Fairmont, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The murder rate for Fairmont City, Illinois, is higher than the state average. This makes Fairmont City less safe than many other nearby cities. The table below compares the crime rates of cities of comparable overall population. Although it's important to know that the percentage of murders is higher in central Fairmont City, crimes are also common in nearby blocks. Hence, the red areas of the murder crime map don't necessarily represent danger for residents.

The population of Fairmont City, IL is made up of approximately 2,298 people of all races. One percent of residents in Fairmont City identify as Black or African-American, while another 0.3% of residents are Hispanic or other. Another 0.1% of residents in Fairmont City are Asian or American Indian. There are also 0.1% of people who identify as black or Asian. The population of Fairmont City is overwhelmingly Hispanic, with 78.2% of the total population identifying as Hispanic. Twenty-one percent of Fairmont City residents live below the federal poverty line, including 28.3% of families. Of these, sixty-eight percent of Fairmont City's population is in the labor force.

The most common languages spoken in Fairmont City are Spanish and Polish. The city is primarily Spanish-speaking, but it also has large populations of English-speaking residents. The population of Fairmont City, IL is also important for residents of English-speaking or Polish-speaking backgrounds. A full listing of the city's language groups is available online. So, check out the demographics of this town today!