Garvin, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics provide an overview of the population and stites of Garvin City, Arkansas. This city has a total population of 197. The median household income in Garvin is $18,750. As a result, Garvin's population is older than the national average. The average age of a resident in Garvin is 6.3 years older than that of the United States. The poverty rate is 14.3%, which is a high number by national standards.

The historical earthquake activity in the Garvin area is significantly higher than the state average, and is 126% higher than that of the U.S. overall. During this period, there were 16 natural disasters that struck the area. The city is home to a relatively low proportion of foreign residents, with fewer than 1% of residents being foreign. The city's median house value and percentage of black residents are lower than the state and national averages.

The average household income in Garvin City is $135,370. This is higher than the national average and almost three times higher than that of nearby ZIP codes. The population is predominantly white, although some non-white residents were excluded. This was an era of American racism, when Jim Crow laws and segregation were the norm. Eugenics became a popular theory during this time, which has been used to justify discrimination.

U.S. Highway 20-26, also known as Chinden Boulevard, runs parallel to the Mississippi River. State Highway 44, on the other hand, forms the northern boundary of Garvin City. Listed below are some of the major highways in the city. All of these routes are important to get around. So, how many miles are there in Garvin City? The population is estimated to be about 2,000 people.