Haileyville, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The table below shows the population and steets of Haileyville City, OK. You can use this table to get a better idea of the local population and to find out how many people live in Haileyville. If you would like to make a road trip from Haileyville, OK, you can find the list of nearby cities.

The majority of residents in Haileyville City are white. However, there are people of other races as well. According to the US Census, only 0.7% of residents identify as American Indian or Alaska Native. The remaining 17.8% of residents identify as Hispanic or Latino. The remaining 2.6% of the population is of other races.

Haileyville City is located in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. As of the 2000 census, the city had an estimated population of 891. The city has two public schools. These schools serve around two hundred and ninety students. There are 21 full-time teachers, which means that students have an average of 14 students per teacher. In terms of education, the state assessment results show that only 17% of students in Haileyville City are proficient in math and English/language arts.

The median annual income for residents of Haileyville is $41,250. This is lower than the US average of $64,994.