Hardesty, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Hardesty, OK is home to 261 people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Of those, 0.0% identify as African-American or Asian. The rest of Hardesty's residents identify as White, Hispanic, or Latino. Moreover, 18.4% of the population did not grow up in the United States.

If you're planning a move to Hardesty, you may be wondering about the population and steets. Well, Hardesty's population is relatively young at thirty-six years old, but that doesn't mean that everyone is in their forties or fifties.

The population and steets of Hardesty City are fairly similar to Portland. In the primary election, Hardesty outperformed the incumbents, narrowly beating Novick by one percentage point. Hardesty also established 19 key firewall precincts compared to three for Eudaly and three for Novick.

However, the two candidates were very different when it comes to their campaign message. The former sought to reduce the political polarization in the city and offered pragmatic solutions to pressing city issues, including homelessness and crime. The latter focused more on livability issues. Gonzalez focused on tackling the issues of homelessness and crime, while Mozyrsky opted for an aggressive campaign and a business-oriented message.