Howe, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Howe is a town in Grayson County, Texas. The city's population is approximately 7,500. Its primary industry is agriculture. Other industries include shirts, plastics, and electronics. In 1991, five industries were located in Howe. Its population is diverse and includes Black, Hispanic, and White individuals. In contrast, the overall poverty rate in the community is below the national average.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 94% of Howe, TX residents are U.S. citizens. The median home value was $111,400 in 2019. Sixty-two percent of households lived in Howe, TX. Residents of Howe, TX commuted to work by car alone, with an average commute time of 24.8 minutes. Approximately two cars were owned per household.

In 1884, Howe was incorporated. Mayor George M. McCrary was elected and the population of the town grew. In the late 1800s, Howe became an important grain shipping center and was home to red rustproof oats. In 1890, the town became home to the Farmers' Alliance Cooperative Association. The cooperative grew and became part of the Howe Grain and Mercantile Company. By the 1990s, the population was at about 2,500, while it was at 2,478 in 2000. Although Howe remained a largely agricultural center, some oil has been discovered in the area.