Krebs, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information about the Population & Steets in Krebs, Oklahoma? Then read this article. Here you'll find the latest statistics, and a few facts about this town. First of all, let's look at the population. The city has a total population of 2,000 people. However, that number has decreased by 20.9% over the last decade. The average commute time is 20.9 minutes. The median home value in Krebs is $65,200. Since 2009, the median home price has appreciated by 12.2%.

In 2019, the population of Krebs was around 2.04k people. The median age is 36.6. Its median household income is $49,063, an increase of 14.3% from the previous year. In addition to this, a high percentage of residents are homeowners. The median household income in Krebs is $49,063. The average commute time is 13.3 minutes. The average number of cars per household is two.

The median household income in Krebs, OK is $42,963. This is less than the state or national median, which is $55,712. The median income in Krebs, OK is also lower than the average for neighboring states. In fact, the median income is nearly two-thirds lower than the state and national average. However, this doesn't mean that Krebs residents live in poverty. The Census Bureau's poverty line is 0.459.