Longdale, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The census data shows that 100% of the population of Longdale City, OK is a citizen of the United States. In the town, the median home value was $54,300. The homeownership rate was 62.7%, and most people commuted by car, walking, or bicycling to work. There are 290 people living in Longdale, and 0% of them were born outside of the United States.

The median age of residents in the city was 29.5 years. Those under the age of 18 were a majority, with a percentage of five percent below that mark. The next highest age group was the 25-44-year-olds, while the 65-and-older group was the lowest. The median income of residents was $21,547, and the percentage of single people living in the city was 32.

The age structure of residents in Lawndale City is quite diverse, but many live in low-income households. Large households, which are comprised of five or more people, tend to live in smaller units. Because of their low income, these individuals often live in overcrowded living quarters. The 2000 Census showed 2277 households with five or more members. While this is an increase from the 1990 census, it remains a minority in the city.

Approximately 92.1% of Longdale's population has health insurance, including Medicaid and private health insurance. The remaining 10.31% of residents have non-group health insurance coverage and 2.76% are military or VA plans. If you want to find out more about the health care situation in Longdale, OK, check out the city's population data. If you are not sure what the local numbers are, consider asking a family member, friend, or colleague for assistance.