Newkirk, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Newkark City, OK, is a fairly straightforward question to ask yourself. The statistics listed below show the racial and ethnic makeup of the city. The most common racial or ethnic group in Newkirk, OK is White. The median age is 37.3. The median household income is $38,750. The top three industries in Newkirk, OK, by income, are Utilities, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade.

This neighborhood is highly diverse in terms of ancestry. While the majority of residents are of Haitian descent, there are also significant populations of people with Jamaican and Sub-Saharan African heritage. About five percent of residents speak a second language and about a quarter of people speak French at home. These numbers are higher than the U.S. average of 99.8%. The Newkirk Ave / New York Ave neighborhood also has a disproportionately high percentage of people with African ancestry.

Most residents commute by car to work. However, some live on foot or use public transportation. This chart displays the number of households using various forms of transportation over time. The y-axis is set to a logarithmic scale, which helps show variations in smaller means of transportation. The chart also shows the percentage of households with cars versus non-car ownership in Newkirk City, OK.