Park Hill, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a short history of Park Hill City, Colorado. The area was settled during the late 1800s, but soon after, the influx of white residents created a racial divide. The neighborhood, also known as the "Downington," became notorious for its racial restrictions. Its development marked the racial division of Denver during the early twentieth century. Despite this, residents are proud of the diversity that is apparent in Park Hill.

The city is home to several different racial groups, and is the poorest among them are Native Americans, White people, and Hispanics. According to the US Census Bureau, families with total incomes below a particular threshold are considered poor. This figure is based on family size, and it may not be representative of the entire population of a city. However, the poverty rate in Park Hill City has been steadily increasing since the 1960s, and the local population has continued to grow.

The city is an official Community Development Block Grant Community, which receives an annual allocation of federal funds for the implementation of economic development projects. The city also receives funds through HUD's HOME Investment Partnership Program. Its annual allocation of these funds is now around $2.5 million. Despite its diversity, the city's residents have struggled to remain integrated in the face of clueless city planners. Public housing officials tried to sneak additional low-income families into the neighborhood they were already affecting, and black nationalists claimed that integration was passe. In addition, many small homes have been torn down, and replaced with mega homes.