Shamrock, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing more about the population and the steets of Shamrock City, look at the Crime Rate in Shamrock City. Although the numbers aren't particularly intuitive, it is important to remember that crime occurs where people are, so there are generally higher rates of crime in the west than the east. However, there is some good news for residents who live in the west.

In 2019, the median age of the people in Shamrock, TX was 39.3 years. This is lower than the 40-year-old median for the city. In addition, there were more foreign-born residents than native-born ones. Of these foreign-born citizens, the largest percentage were born in Mexico. In addition to Mexico, this country also had a large number of El Salvadorans, who made up 211,578 residents of Shamrock.

In 2019, 28.3% of the population in Shamrock, TX was under the age of eighteen years. Twenty-nine percent of the population was aged 18 to 24. The percentage of married couples was 50.7%, and nine percent of the women had no husband present. There was also a small number of households that were not families, with 17.6% of residents living alone. Overall, the city was home to two cars per household.

At the turn of the century, Shamrock was a small trading outpost and water stop. When oil was discovered nearby, the population swelled to a few thousand. In the 1950s, the city's main street was populated with motor courts, auto garages, and restaurants. The city's tourism industry continued to thrive as the city became a hub of the Mother Road.