Talala, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Talala City? If so, you have come to the right place. Talala City, Oklahoma has 324 residents and a median household income of $37,321. Here is the latest population data:

The zip code for Talala is 73007. This is a placeholder name for the city, and not the official name. Residents call it by default. Its population is estimated to be 4,569 in 2020. There are several other things to do in Talala, OK. Visit the Talala - Museum page for more information. Listed below are the details of this museum.

The Talala city is a municipality and a tahil. It is divided into seven wards. The town has a total population of 21060 people, including 11018 males and 950 females. The population is made up of mostly agricultural workers. There are 950 males for every 1000 females. There are also about 3,328 children under the age of 6.