Terlton, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Terlton is only a little over 27,000 people? That's because there are few retail businesses in this city. Many crimes are committed in areas with little to no population. That means that a red area on a property crime map doesn't necessarily mean a neighborhood is dangerous for residents. You can view the property crime map for Terlton by clicking on the image below.

Terlton is a mid-size city located along the Arkansas River. The city is a cultural, industrial, and commercial center located in an agricultural region. It's been called 'the place where the South meets the West'. Its population is 107 people, and is growing at a rate of 50.0% since 2020. Its average commute time is 26.7 minutes. There are several nearby cities and towns that you can visit.

There are 72 residents of voting age in Terlton. The majority of them are White, with 16.7% of residents being Two or more races. Three percent of residents identify as American Indian. The median property value in Terlton is $101,900, which is just under the national average. And the median income in Terlton is almost double that of the national average. With the average income of $66,500 per year, it's easy to see why Terlton is a great place to live.

Demographics of Terlton City, FL. The town's population was spread across multiple age groups. There were thirty households, with fifty-three percent of them having children under the age of 18. Another twenty-five percent of households were married, with 17.7% of them being single. The city's median age was 26 years. Ten percent of households included a senior citizen or someone who lived alone.