Wanette, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The crime rate in Wanette City is much lower than the national and state average. This includes both violent crimes and property crimes. Violent crimes include murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, rape, and theft. Property crimes are usually lower than in other cities, which is good news for those concerned about their safety. The average number of violent crimes per 100 people is not so bad in Wanette City.

The median property value in Wanette is $49,600. This is about 0.206 times lower than the national average. Almost 70% of households live below the poverty line. The median home value in Wanette is $90,400. Homeownership in the city is about 68.8%. The median home price in Wanette is $90,400, and home appreciation in the past decade is 11.0%.

Asher has the highest percentage of households with children, with an average family size of 5.9. In Wanette, the number of married-couple families is 66%. The percentage of households headed by a woman is 63.7%, while the percentage of households headed by a male is 21.1%. The population is highly diverse and offers a great quality of life. You'll find good schools and parks in Wanette. The city has an excellent location for those looking for a quiet, peaceful suburb.

The average age of residents in Wanette is 29.4 years. The average household has 2 cars. Males outnumber females by 89.2 to 100. Women make up the rest of the population. The median household income is $19,067. Wanette has a high percentage of households that own a car. In Wanette, OK, the median age is 29 years.