Bridal Veil, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Bridal Veil City is in Multnomah County, Oregon. The USPS designates the ZIP code as "Bridal Veil." The community's residents use this name instead of the city's actual name. The town site consists of a post office that is popular for wedding invitations and announcements. In addition to the post office, there is also a cemetery. The last burial took place in 1934, but the cemetery is still maintained by local volunteers.

Population & Steets in Brideil City, OR is very low. Most local residents are on the hunt for jobs. The city is located near Bridal Veil Falls and the Columbia River. During the logging boom, Bridal Veil had a close relationship with its sister city, Palmer. The towns are now connected by the Palmer mill road.

A proposed loop trail would run through town and would allow people to visit the town's waterfalls. The new trail would begin a few feet beyond the trailhead sign and turn upstream from the current path. The new trail would then duck under the Historic Columbia River Highway and follow the west side of Bridal Veil Creek until it ends at a new footbridge and moss-covered log flume.

The 2010 census revealed a slightly higher female population than males, with over 55% of the population living as married couples. Nearly a third of households are made up of children under the age of 18. Eighty-two percent of the city's residents belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.