Coquille, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are planning a trip to Coquille, it may be helpful to know the Population & Steets in Coqulle City. The following table offers a breakdown of population and steets for the city. If you are planning to travel to this beautiful Oregon city, you can check out the following facts to help you make the most informed decision. The following information is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The population of Coquille has grown from the river. In 1860, there were only 94 people living here. In fact, the city was the center of early settlement in Coos County. The population in 1860 was only 21% of the county's overall. Nonetheless, it has grown since then. Today, Coquille is a bustling, progressive community with a vibrant history.

The median household income in Coquille City is $32,581 for both men and women. Coquille's population is a mix of high school graduates and college graduates. As of 2009, 8.98% of the Coquille workforce was working from home. This is one of the highest percentages of telecommuters in the nation. Many of them work in knowledge-based fields, like law, business, and medicine. Others are self-employed.

The median property value in Coquille, Oregon was $145,200 in 2019. This is 0.604 times lower than the national average. Compared to the national average, this is still an excellent income for a family of four. Compared to last year, people in Coquille, Oregon are older and have higher household incomes. Moreover, they are more likely to own a home, which is one of the main factors for local advertising.