Deer Island, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics in Deer Island City show that the city has a mixture of different races. While 10,899 residents drive to work, 32 take the bus or trolley. There are also many Hispanic residents, a group that is included in any race category. Listed below are the different races and ethnicities that make up the population of Deer Island City. This information is from the U.S. Census Bureau, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of these figures.

Compared to other cities in the U.S., Deer Island's poverty rate is lower. Approximately 10% of the population is living in poverty, making the city an excellent choice for those who need help paying bills. The median age in the city is 59 years old, and the average family has 2.9 members. In terms of diversity, Deer Island is ranked 5271 nationally and 78 in Oregon.

Although Deer Island has a lower crime rate than other Sparse Suburbs, almost half of its residents still worry about safety every day. Crime in the city is low, and it ranks well on statewide and national rankings for education. Factors that contribute to these rankings include public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher to student ratios, and student and parent reviews. If you're considering moving to Deer Island City, check out the crime rates in the neighboring cities.

Demographics in Deer Island City: The USPS has designated Deer Isle as a ZIP code. Its ZIP code is D (Default), which means it's the default name assigned by the USPS. Only one default name is assigned to each ZIP Code. Listed below are some key facts about Deer Island. The ZIP code is D-10236. This is the city's official name.