Depoe Bay, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The average age of the population of Depoe Bay is 53 years, a number that is higher than the U.S. average of 38 years. This mature population makes Depoe Bay an ideal place to raise a family or retire. The majority of residents are married, with 56% of those people identifying as married. Singles with children make up only 8% of the population.

The average temperature for the hottest day of the year is 68 degrees. That is cooler than many coastal towns. Although, this town is considered the coolest on the Oregon coast. As a result, it is the best place to enjoy the sunshine. The average annual temperature is only 68 degrees, so if you are interested in visiting this city, you'll want to know what the average temperatures are.

The average annual salary for residents of Depoe Bay is $45,000, with some living within the city and others working outside of it. The largest sector of employment is in tourism, thanks to the beautiful Pacific Ocean and whale-watching opportunities. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, put a halt to tourism in the city, but only resulted in a 0.2% decline in jobs.

The population of Depoe Bay is 1,493 people. That's a 5.49% increase over the previous decade. The median household income is $54,241, while the national average is $26,700. The median home value is $457,700. Depoe Bay's home appreciation rate was 8.4% over the last decade. If you're thinking of buying a home in Depoe Bay, there are many things to consider.