Eagle Point, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information can help you understand Eagle Point City's population and demographics. Eagle Point has a small population, about one-fourth the size of the entire United States. In comparison, the average size of the city is a bit bigger, with a total population of nearly 50,000. You can also explore the city's citizenship statistics. Citizenship rates in Eagle Point are very low, at 0.16%, and only about 2% of the total population is a citizen.

Eagle Point's population is composed of both young and old people. The city's overall median age is 38.7, while its population of young adults is the highest at 59.7. The median age for men and women in Eagle Point is 38.7. These figures are especially useful for employment research, as well as in identifying areas with high proportions of retirees. Population & Steets in Eagle Point City

You can view a map of the area around Eagle Point. This map also includes information about schools in Eagle Point. The list includes the name of the school, the address, the zip code and more. These information can be helpful when you are planning a road trip or exploring the area. When looking for a destination within one or more hours of Eagle Point, you can use the map to find an airport nearby.

Eagle Point's poverty rate is 1.68%. The average family in this city owns three cars, and the largest proportion of people owns false cars. Eighty-seven percent of Eagle Point's residents have health insurance. Sixty-four percent of these individuals have employer-provided insurance, while 13.4% have Medicaid or Medicare. The rest are on non-group or military plans.