Falls City, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Falls City, Nebraska? Then, you have come to the right place! Below you will find information about Falls City, NE's population and its surroundings. You can use these statistics to decide whether Falls City is the right place for you! Then, start by checking out the map below! This map will show you how many people live in Falls City.

In Falls City, NE, the population is comprised of a mixture of permanent residents and transients. The 2000 Census showed that almost 45 percent of the residents had moved into the city within five years. This rate is nearly the same as that of the 1990 census, which showed more than 40 percent of the population had moved within five years. The demographics of this city are diverse and interesting to learn about!

The average age of residents of Falls City, NE was 40.5 years old in 2019. While native-born citizens were the majority, foreign-born residents were the minority. The median age for foreign-born citizens in the city was 23.4 years old. In 2018, foreign-born citizens lived in Falls City. The most common countries of origin for Nebraska residents were Mexico, Guatemala, and India. A little over 20 percent of residents had a bachelor's degree.

The city's population is projected to increase by nearly 50 percent over the next twenty-five years, according to MWCOG Round 7.0 Cooperative Forecasts. The estimated population in 2005 was nine thousand people. In 2010, that number was 12,300 people, and by 2025, the projected population is 14,900 people. This growth is a result of redevelopment of large mixed-use projects, including City Center and the Gordon Road Triangle.