Frenchglen, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the population & steets of Frenchglen City. The population of a city is closely related to the number of crimes committed in the city. You can find out more by viewing our Frenchglen City population map. This map shows the number of crimes per thousand people in Frenchglen City. The violent crime rate in Frenchglen is much higher than the national average.

To get a feel of the community, you can view a list of nearby cities. This list is useful not only for flights to bigger cities, but also for exploring the area. It's also a good idea to check out cities that are within four hours of Frenchglen, OR. Then, you can plan a road trip to these places. Alternatively, you can see the population and steets of cities in the surrounding area.

Frenchglen is located in Harney County and has a population of twelve. The only other towns in the area are Hines and Burns. Frenchglen is named after the French-Glenn Livestock Company. Peter French was born in Missouri as John William French. His father moved the family to California in 1849 and ran a sheep ranch. Frenchglen became a popular tourist destination in the state.