Gales Creek, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Gals Creek City? This article will answer your questions about the city's demographics. You can also learn more about the gender breakdown in this city using The population and steets of Gales Creek City, Oregon are presented in a variety of ways. For example, you can see how many people are male and how many are female, and how many are in high school. You can also find out what percentage of residents identify as a particular race, or ethnicity.

As with any other city, the population and steets of Gales Creek are an important indicator of the quality of life in the city. If you're planning to move to this community, make sure you protect your property and your belongings. Nobody wants to move back to a charred house! The statistics on residential fires in Gales Creek are indicative of the overall property condition in the city. Additionally, residential fire statistics also show the quality of city utilities and the community safety resources. If you're considering moving to Gales Creek, you'll be interested in knowing how many of these types of crimes have occurred in the city.

The population of the ZIP code 97117 is primarily white. There's a relatively small percentage of low-education people. However, the number of college-educated people is significantly higher than in other ZIP codes. For more detailed statistics, you can view the table below. You can also look up the ZIP codes nearby 97117 to see the percentages of each. You can also see if a particular zipcode is significantly different from the one you're considering.